(2018) Coding Week 1

I haven’t gone on code.org since the beginning of year 6, and so I was surprised to find not many projects (probably because I forgot my password after year 5 and made a new account). This is the first time that I am using Python on code.org. Normally, I would use Grok. The reason that I am using Python instead of Blockly is because I find it much easier.
I know exactly what is going where and I know how it works. There was something that I learnt today, and that is: you can actually create a function in Python with your own set of codes, for turtle (the drawing coding). This is only the first day of coding this year, so I can’t find much to write.



For my project, my group and I have decided to do both a game and an animation. The game will be to help people know how to be environmentally friendly, and an animation to make people aware of all the destruction. We will be focusing on mainly deforestation and pollution, but pretty much just the environment in general. Two of us will animate, and the other two will work on the game. We have yet to create storyboards, animatic, and detailed plans.

One thought on “(2018) Coding Week 1”

  1. Dear Meg, thanks so much for your diligence in catching up with your posts. Your Parts-Purpose-Complexity shows a strong understanding of how a circuit works and the complexities involving a working circuit. I am glad that you learnt something new using code.org as well. Love Mrs Kemp x

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